100 χρόνια Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Παστέρ 1920-2020. Ένας αιώνας προσφοράς στη Δημόσια Υγεία και τη Βιοϊατρική Έρευνα.
Original price was: € 40,00.€ 36,00Current price is: € 36,00.
Peloponnesian Senate. A political institution of the Greek Revolution, Conference Proceedings, Tripoli and Stadio Tegeas, 6-8 November 2020.
Original price was: € 22,00.€ 19,80Current price is: € 19,80.
Methoni and its Region from Antiquity to Modern Times. Archaeological and Historical Approaches.
Original price was: € 15,00.€ 13,50Current price is: € 13,50.
Το Φυσικομαθηματικό Τμήμα του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (1837-1904).
Original price was: € 30,00.€ 27,00Current price is: € 27,00.
The Greek War of Independence and the Polish Philhellenism (1821-1833).
Original price was: € 22,00.€ 19,80Current price is: € 19,80.
List of publications
Showing 73–96 of 405 results
Έλεγχος ιδεών και λογοκρισία από τις απαρχές της ελληνικής τυπογραφίας μέχρι το Σύνταγμα του 1844. Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου, Λευκωσία, 18-20 Νοεμβρίου 2015.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. Out of stock -
‘Autonomous’ Coinages under the Late Antigonids.
The monograph The ‘Autonomous’ Coins under the Late Antigonids is a systematic study of the silver and bronze issues of the Macedonians, the Botteatai and the Amphaxians, of people that resided in distinct areas of the Macedonian Kingdom, the so-called... € 80,00 -
Όψεις της ιστορίας της Μυκόνου στα νεότερα χρόνια.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. € 14,00 -
Βορειοελλαδικά. Tales from the lands of the ethne. Essays in honour of Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos / Histoires du monde des ethné. Études en l’honneur de Miltiade B. Hatzopoulos.
Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Athens (February 2015) / Actes du colloque international tenu à Athènes (février 2015). Βορειοελλαδικά brings together the papers presented at the International Conference held in 2015 in honour of Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos, former... € 80,00 -
Les communautés du nord égéen au temps de l’hégémonie romaine. Entre ruptures et continuités.
€ 60,00 -
Ο δαρβινισμός στην Ελλάδα.
This small but comprehensive book presents the reception of the Darwinian theory of evolution in Greece, from the first debates on this issue in the 1870s to 2009, two hundredth anniversary year of Darwin and one hundred and fiftieth since... € 10,00 -
Memories in Stone. Figured Grave Reliefs from Aegean Thrace.
Memories in Stone: Figured Grave Reliefs from Aegean Thrace brings together for the first time a group of 70 decorated funerary reliefs from the region between the Nestos and the Hebros rivers, dated between the sixth century B.C. and the... € 90,00 -
Social Dynamics under Roman Rule. Mobility and Status Change in the Provinces of Achaia and Macedonia
Proceedings of a Conference Held at the French School of Athens, 30-31 May 2014. Social mobility is a multi-faceted phenomenon which affected different social strata, from elites to lower classes, and involved several factors, both general (historical context, demographic trends)... € 30,00 -
The Historical Review / La Revue Historique, Volume XIV.
The Historical Revue / La Revue Historique is an annual refereed journal of historical research in the human sciences published by the Section of Neohellenic Research (DNR) of the Institute of Historical Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) since 2004. It was established as a medium... Out of stock -
History of the Empire of Trebizond
The work of Sergei P. Karpov, entitled The History of the Empire of Trebizond was originally published in Russian, in St Petersburg in 2007. Here we present to the public the Greek translation of this authoritative work. The book covers... Out of stock -
Βυζαντινά ἔγγραφα τῆς Μονῆς Πάτμου. Γ΄ Πατριαρχικά.
€ 40,00 -
Philhellénisme. Ouvrages inspirés par la Guerre de l’Indépendance grecque 1821-1833. Répertoire Bibliographique. Seconde édition revue et augmentée.
Philhellenism, a recognized international liberal and radical ideological-political movement, a literary and art movement, nurtured in the climate of classicism and romanticism, as it has been characterized, which manifested itself in the eruption of the Greek War of Independence, did... € 18,00 -
Ἡ Βιβλιοθήκη τῆς Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Κοιμήσεως τῆς Θεοτόκου Ψαρῶν.
€ 25,00 -
Byzantine Honey Culture.
The book attempts to document the apiculture activity and how it was practiced in the Byzantine world through the evidence of textual sources, iconography and excavation finds. The study expands chronologically from the 4th to the 15th century while geographically... € 30,00 -
Φόβοι και ελπίδες στα νεότερα χρόνια
The expression, the acceptance, the perception of hopes and fears, whether confirmed or dispelled, as depicted in historical sources of the modern years, along with the connection between common feelings and personal experiences are the main themes of this collective... € 15,00 -
The Historical Review / La Revue Historique, Volume XIII.
The Historical Revue / La Revue Historique is an annual refereed journal of historical research in the human sciences published by the Section of Neohellenic Research (DNR) of the Institute of Historical Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) since 2004. It was established as a medium... Out of stock -
Ο σύντομος πολιτικός βίος της ΕΠΕΚ. Η ανάδυση του Κέντρου στη μετεμφυλιακή Ελλάδα.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. Original price was: € 20,00.€ 16,00Current price is: € 16,00. -
Animam Deo reddit. The Parish Register of the Dead Santa Maria of Larnaca (1729-1824).
This is the fourth book in the collection “Sources of Cypriot learning and history”, which aspires to make available in modern scholarly editions unpublished or inaccessible primary sources on the intellectual life and history of Cyprus and the Cypriot diaspora... € 30,00 -
De l’histoire des idées à l’histoire intellectuelle.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. € 10,00 -
The Antes. History and Culture (4th-8th c. A.D.).
The monograph aims to offer a global perspective on the history and culture of the Antes, a people of Slavic origin with a relatively brief historical presence in the turbulent era of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Simultaneously,... € 20,00 -
Επίσημα κείμενα του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Τα σωζόμενα από την περίοδο 1454-1498.
Second Edition Revised. The re-establishment of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1454 allowed the Orthodox Christians to have again a supreme ecclesiastical authority and, at the same time, an institutional organisation of their society. However, among the written sources of... € 35,00 -
Η γυναίκα στη μέση βυζαντινή εποχή. Κοινωνικά πρότυπα και καθημερινός βίος στα αγιολογικά κείμενα. (Β΄ ανατύπωση)
The subject matter of the study is the Middle Byzantine woman, with a focus on women in urban centers and rural societies. The book researches the various role of the female individual in the family, the wider social milieu and... € 30,00 -
Byzantium, 1180-1204: “The Sad Quarter of a Century”? International Symposium 22.
The collective volume Byzantium, 1180–1204: ‘The Sad Quarter of a Century’? seeks to revisit the period in Byzantine history that begins with the death of the emperor Manuel I Komnenos in 1180 and ends with the capture of Constantinople by... € 30,00 -
Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. Vol. Ic: The Jewish Aramaic Inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora).
This is the third volume of the epigraphic corpora of ancient Zoora (present-day Ghor es-Safi), a commercial city of the Roman province of Palaestina Tertia at the southeastern end of the Dead Sea in Jordan. The preceding two volumes, published... € 45,00