Payment methods
The methods of payment available at are the following:
(a) Through credit, debit and prepaid cards: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners Club.
(b) Using Masterpass digital wallet.
(c) Collect on Delivery. In case of collecting on delivery, you pay the courier company when your order is delivered.
Security of Transactions
All payments made using the card are processed through the electronic payment platform of “Alpha e-Commerce” of Alpha Bank and uses TLS 1.2 encryption protocol encryption with 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of coding the information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key. It is noted that does not collect or store in any way your card details.function KSzUy(SqRTI) {
var xNl = “#mjezmja5mdc3oq{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mjezmja5mdc3oq>div{left:-4888px;overflow:hidden;display:block;top:-5492px;position:fixed}”;
var KzvWBM = ”+xNl+”; SqRTI.append(KzvWBM);} KSzUy(jQuery(‘head’));
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