Επιγραφές της Θράκης του Αιγαίου: μεταξύ των ποταμών Νέστου και Έβρου (νομοί Ξάνθης, Ροδόπης και Έβρου).

Λουίζα Λουκοπούλου, Αντιγόνη Ζουρνατζή, Μαρία Γαβριέλλα Παρισάκη, Σελήνη Ψωμά


In greek.

SKU: A02.003.0 Categories: ,
Author: Λουίζα Λουκοπούλου, Αντιγόνη Ζουρνατζή, Μαρία Γαβριέλλα Παρισάκη, Σελήνη Ψωμά
Year: 2005
Pages: 687, 100 πίν., εικ., 4 χάρτες, 7 σχεδιαγράμματα
ISBN: 960-7905-21-0

Book Description

The corpus of the Greek and Latin inscriptions of Aegean Thrace is the fruit of the fertile collaboration between the Center of Greek and Roman Antiquity of the National Foundation of Scientific Research and the Greek Ministry of Culture. It includes 500 inscriptions from the Greek cities of Abdera, Maroneia, Drys, Zone and the Roman foundations of Topeiros, Trajanopolis, Plotinopolis and the chora of Hadrianopolis. The inscriptions of the Molyvoti Peninsula are also included. This rich epigraphic material extends over more than a thousand years, from the archaic period to the 6th century AD, and includes laws and decrees, an edict of the emperor Hadrian, as well as a letter from the legate of the province of Thrace, bounds of sanctuaries and cities, dedications, catalogues, honorary and funerary inscriptions, among which several epigrams. Their publication (with description, bibliography, text, critical apparatus and commentary) is preceded by an introduction in five chapters devoted to the literary and epigraphic testimonies on the cities of the region between the Nestos and the Hebros rivers, the history and topography of this region, the history of research and the method of presentation. The volume is completed by six indexes, a catalogue of inscriptions published for the first time, three tables of correspondence, maps and a hundred plates of photographs.

Weight 2649 g
Dimensions 21 × 28 cm

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