Επιγραφές Αμφαξίτιδας (μεταξύ του Αξιού ποταμού και της ορεογραμμής Βερτίσκου – Κερδυλλίων). Τεύχος Α΄: Επιγραφές Κρηστωνίας, Μυγδονίας, Ανθεμούντα.

P. Paschidis - E. Martín González - G. Athanasiadis - I. Graikos


In Greek.

SKU: Α2.005.0 Categories: ,
Author: P. Paschidis - E. Martín González - G. Athanasiadis - I. Graikos
Year: 2023
Pages: 583
ISBN: 978-960-371-082-0
ISBN: ΣΕΤ 978-960-371-081-3

Book Description

This volume continues the Institute’s long-standing publication programme concerning Greek and Latin inscriptions from Macedonia; in it are published all inscriptions from Krestonia, Mygdonia (apart from Thessalonike and its immediate territory) and Anthemous (roughly, from the modern prefectures of Kilkis and Thessaloniki). The epigraphic material, fully documented and with historical commentary, offers valuable insights into the history, ethnic composition, onomastics, cults, institutional structure, and even the local political life of these areas, which include both the extended –and somewhat secluded and underdeveloped– hinterland of cosmopolitan Thessalonike along the Axios river or north of the lakes of Langadas and Volvi, and cities which flourished because of the Via Egnatia, south of the lakes.

See the Table of Contents of the Volume A’.

Weight 2010 g
Dimensions 21 × 28 cm

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