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Onomasticon Thracicum: répertoire des noms indigènes de Thrace, Macédoine Orientale, Mésies, Dacie et Bithynie.

Dan Dana


In French.

SKU: A01.070.0 Categories: ,
Author: Dan Dana
Year: 2014
Pages: 457, p. clviii
ISBN: 978-960-9538-24-4

Book Description

Onomasticum Thracicum lists over 1500 Thracian names. Its 3000 entries record the different written forms of these names and their ca. 7000 attestations in ancient literature, inscriptions, papyri and coins, from the Archaic period down to Late Antiquity.  The Greek and Latin sources collected in this study, of which many unpublished, concern the Balkan Peninsula and the Mediterranean World. Preceded by an Introduction offering an historiographical and methodological framework, the Catalogue is complemented by many Appendices, including an alphabetic Index of names, also indicating their frequency, and inverted Indexes. About 50 maps configure the geographical distribution of the Thracian names listed and help sketch out regional differentiation.

Weight 2287 g
Dimensions 21 × 29 cm

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