Book Description
The volume What’s New in Roman Greece? Recent Work on the Greek Mainland and the Islands in the Roman Period brings together the papers presented at an international conference held in Athens between 8–10 October 2015 and organized by the Roman Seminar Research Group in collaboration with the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation. The volume includes 43 contributions by scholars specializing in all facets of the history and archaeology of the Roman provinces in the territory of modern Greece, arranged in six broad subject groups: 1. Town and Country, 2. Economy and Exchange, 3. Urban Spaces, Infrastructures and the Archaeology of Buildings, 4. Visual Culture, 5. Cults, Sanctuaries and Mortuary Practices, and 6. The Roman Past in the Present. In addition to providing synthetic approaches and up-to-date accounts of individual research conducted in the last 25 years, the papers aim to shed light onto various questions that are important in order to understand how the societies of Greece responded in socioeconomic and cultural terms to becoming part of the Roman Empire.