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ΑΝΤΙΔΩΡΟΝ. La monnaie grecque entre guerre et commerce. Mélanges de numismatique, d’épigraphie et d’histoire offerts à Olivier Picard – Greek Coinage between War and Trade. Papers on Numismatics, Epigraphy and History Offered to Olivier Picard.

Edited by: Εvangéline Markou, Sélénè E. Psôma



SKU: A01.085.0 Categories: ,
Edited by: Εvangéline Markou, Sélénè E. Psôma
Year: 2023
Pages: pp. xliv, 304
ISBN: 978-960-371-079-0

Book Description

The honorary volume ΑΝΤΙΔΩΡΟΝ. La monnaie grecque entre guerre et commerce. Mélanges de numismatique, d’épigraphie et d’histoire offerts à Olivier Picard – Greek Coinage between War and Trade. Papers on Numismatics, Epigraphy and History Offered to Olivier Picard, includes twenty-one (21) contributions on the monetary production and policy of cities, federal states, and kings and their relation with the history and economy of the Ancient Greek and Roman world.

The volume includes discussions of various numismatic issues and problems. It addresses questions related to the organisation of monetary policy of different issuing authorities, discusses iconography and problems of attribution of numismatic types, explores the relationship between coinage and military events, and examines the ways to identify trade networks. It includes the publication of hoards, discusses the use of coins in inscriptions and ancient texts, and explores issues related to the technology and organisation of mints and coin production. The studies have a wide geographical range, extending from Marseilles and Sicily to Asia Minor, and from Illyria, Thrace and Macedonia to Crete, Cyprus and Egypt. The volume therefore reflects the wide range of the honoree’s interests.


Authors: Ε. Apostolou; L. Brousseau; V. Chankowski; K. Chryssanthaki-Nagle; F. de Callataÿ; Z. Çizmeli Öğün; F. Duyrat; Th. Faucher, M. Blet-Lemarquand and S. Frey-Kupper; Chr. Flament; J. Fournier; Chr. Α. Gatzolis and S. E. Psoma; S. Gongecaj-Vangjeli; C. Grandjean; M. B. Hatzopoulos; S. Kremydi; D. Savaş Lenger; M.-C. Marcellesi; E. Markou; A. Meta; J. Olivier; C. Papageorgiadou and G. Alexopoulou; V. E. Stefanaki; D. I. Tsangari.

Weight 1460 g
Dimensions 21 × 28 cm

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