Fifty years of the Institute for Neohellenic Research: A Retrospective.

Vincenzo Rotolo


In english with translation in greek language.

SKU: N04.013.0 Categories: ,
Author: Vincenzo Rotolo
Translation: Alexandra Doumas
Year: 2009
Pages: 100
ISBN: 978-960-7916-87-7

Book Description

The speaker for the 2008 Annual Dimaras’ Lecture was Vicenzo Rotolo, Professor at the University of Palermo and President of the Institute for Byzantine and Neohellenic studies “Bruno Lavagnini” in Sicily. An acclaimed expert on the movement of Neohellenic Enlightenment, Rotolo witnessed the evolution of the Institute for Neohellenic Studies (INR) since its foundation almost half a century ago. His lecture aimed mainly at tracing this long and successful course. Rotolo revisits the milestones of the INR’s life, in conjunction with the major political events that marked the recent history of Greece, all the while recounting the publishing achievements of the Institute.

Weight 157 g
Dimensions 14 × 20 cm

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