Το Νόμιμον της Μεγάλης Εκκλησίας 1564 – ci 1593. Το ιστορικό περίγραμμα. Τα πανομοιότυπα.

Dimitris G. Apostolopoulos


In greek.

SKU: N01.105.0.1 Categories: ,
Author: Dimitris G. Apostolopoulos
Year: 2008
Pages: 40, ρνε΄ πανομοιότυπα
ISBN: 978-960-7916-70-9

Book Description

In 1564 the Patriarchate of Constantinople put together a collection of legal material known as ‘The Legal Code of the Great Church’. This volume comprised material deriving from a) the Byzantine epoch (6th to 14th c.); b) the early post-Byzantine period and specifically the interval from 1474-1498 and c) material dating to the 16th century. This source, of exceptional interest for the study of both the ecclesiastical institutions and the life of Orthodox Christians living under Ottoman rule, was removed under unclarified circumstances from the Patriarchate at the end of the 16th century, which resulted not only in the loss of a significant written document but also in the gradual suppression of its memory. The surviving parts of the manuscript are presented in volume One in facsimile form. Volume Two contains a transcription of the contents of the Nomimon, together with information about its literary identity.

See also: Τόμος Β’: Η αρχική συγκρότηση. Η μεταγραφή.

Weight 1782 g
Dimensions 23 × 33 cm

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