Το Φυσικομαθηματικό Τμήμα του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (1837-1904).

Ilias B. Karkanis


In Greek.

SKU: N01.163.0 Categories: ,
Author: Ilias B. Karkanis
Year: 2023
Pages: 744
ISBN: 978-960-371-083-7

Book Description

The subject of this book is the Physics and Mathematics Sections of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Athens from the foundation of the latter (1837) until the establishment of an independent Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (1904). It first examines their institutional organisation and actual operation during this long period. The development of the relevant chairs, the teaching staff, the standards of admission, the student enrollment, the organisation of studies, the curriculum, the introduction of innovative institutions such as laboratories and the issue of their material resources are among the topics discussed in the book. It then focuses on the scientific disciplines that were established and taught in these two sections, i.e. the mathematical sciences (Mathematics, Mechanics, Astronomy) and especially Physics, Chemistry and Natural History. The successive generations of professors are presented, along with their studies, their scientific, educational and overall work, the shifts and continuities in their teaching, their significant contribution to the consolidation of new scientific fields, practices and institutions, their beliefs on the importance and role of the natural and mathematical sciences in issues such as the economic development of the country and the achievement of national goals and, finally, their efforts and arguments for the institutional autonomy of the natural and mathematical sciences in the late 19th century.

See the Table of Contents.

Weight 1350 g
Dimensions 17 × 24 cm

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