Showing all 13 results
The Antes. History and Culture (4th-8th c. A.D.).
The monograph aims to offer a global perspective on the history and culture of the Antes, a people of Slavic origin with a relatively brief historical presence in the turbulent era of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Simultaneously,... € 20,00 -
Η γυναίκα στη μέση βυζαντινή εποχή. Κοινωνικά πρότυπα και καθημερινός βίος στα αγιολογικά κείμενα. (Β΄ ανατύπωση)
The subject matter of the study is the Middle Byzantine woman, with a focus on women in urban centers and rural societies. The book researches the various role of the female individual in the family, the wider social milieu and... € 30,00 -
Byzantium and the Avars (6th-9th c. A. D.). Political, diplomatic and cultural relations.
The monograph offers a global view of the Byzantine-Avar relations at political, diplomatic and cultural level. Its main contribution consists in the reconstruction of these relations after 626 -when the written sources are very few- and the definition of the... € 27,00 -
The Byzantine Province in Change (On the Threshold Between the 10th and the 11th Century).
The changes in the Byzantine administration were closely tied to the reform of the Byzantine high command that began as early as the mid-10th century. These changes led to the limitation of the competences of the domestikos ton Scholon and... € 34,00 -
Οικονομικές ιδέες στο Βυζάντιο τον 12ο αιώνα. Οι περί οικονομίας απόψεις του Ευσταθίου Θεσσαλονίκης.
€ 34,00 -
Establishment and Consolidation of the Empire of Nicaea. The Emperor Theodoros I Komnenos Laskaris.
Subject of the book is the systematic and comprehensive examination of the first period of the construction and historical existence of the empire in exile at Nicaea. In the study a full and multi-faceted coverage of the policy and the... € 37,00 -
Η νομοθετική δραστηριότητα επί Διοκλητιανού και η κρατική παρέμβαση στον τομέα του δικαίου: Ο Γρηγοριανός και ο Ερμογενειανός κώδικας.
€ 42,00 -
Christianity and Globality in Early Byzantium. From Theory to Practice.
This book attempts to examine the phenomenon of Christian globality, with all its parametres and in all the ways in which it was manifested. It is the novelty that defined the long course of the Eastern Roman Empire with the... € 45,00 -
Merchants, Markets and Trade in Byzantium (9th-12th c.).
This book is a comprehensive study of trade in Byzantium from the ninth to the twelfth century. It is divided in four sections which cover different aspects of the topic. The first one focus on geography examining the markets of... € 35,00 -
Ο πόλεμος στον δυτικό ελλαδικό χώρο κατά τον ύστερο Μεσαίωνα (13ος-15ος αι.).
This book refers to the basic factors of warfare, which is time and space, the tactics and strategy of the forces involved, as well as the impact of warfare on the population and society. In particular, the phenomenon of war... € 38,00 -
Constantine IV (668–685). The Last Emperor of the Early Byzantine Period.
The reign of Herakleios’s great-grandson, Constantine IV (668–685), spans in the short but crucial period between Emperor Constans II’s death and the collapse of the Herakleian dynasty under Justinian II. The policies voiced by Constantine IV and the senatorial elite... € 30,00 -
Georgios Pachymeris. Protekdikos and Dikaiophylax. An Introduction Essay.
€ 26,00 -
Fiscalité et exemption fiscale à Byzance (IXe-XIe s.).
€ 29,30