Section of Greek & Roman Antiquity
Showing 1–24 of 97 resultsSorted by latest
Archaeology of Colour. Technical Art History Studies in Greek and Roman Painting and Polychromy.
Ancient polychromy speaks a language of “the visible” and “the invisible”, through signs of pigments, brushstrokes and forms. Another reminder of our classical past, colour is an inherent component of artistic creation, inspiration and imagination. New sophisticated technologies, as well... € 140,00 -
Tekmeria 17 (2023).
Tekmeria 17: Contributions to the History of the Greek and Roman World. The journal Tekmeria publishes scholarly articles pertaining to the study of the ancient world, with particular emphasis on Ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography, and especially on... € 10,00 -
Strapped for Cash. Needy Soldiers, Reluctant Authorities. Studies on Military Payments in Greek and Roman Antiquity.
The volume Strapped for Cash: Needy Soldiers, Reluctant Authorities. Studies on Military Payments in Greek and Roman Antiquity includes eight (8) studies focusing on the question of the payment of soldiers and mercenaries by the issuing authorities in Greek and... € 50,00 -
Επιγραφές Αμφαξίτιδας (μεταξύ του Αξιού ποταμού και της ορεογραμμής Βερτίσκου – Κερδυλλίων). Τεύχος Α΄: Επιγραφές Κρηστωνίας, Μυγδονίας, Ανθεμούντα.
This volume continues the Institute’s long-standing publication programme concerning Greek and Latin inscriptions from Macedonia; in it are published all inscriptions from Krestonia, Mygdonia (apart from Thessalonike and its immediate territory) and Anthemous (roughly, from the modern prefectures of Kilkis... € 70,00 -
Tekmeria 16 (2021-2022).
Tekmeria 16: Contributions to the History of the Greek and Roman World. The journal Tekmeria publishes scholarly articles pertaining to the study of the ancient world, with particular emphasis on Ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography, and especially on... € 10,00 -
ΑΝΤΙΔΩΡΟΝ. La monnaie grecque entre guerre et commerce. Mélanges de numismatique, d’épigraphie et d’histoire offerts à Olivier Picard – Greek Coinage between War and Trade. Papers on Numismatics, Epigraphy and History Offered to Olivier Picard.
The honorary volume ΑΝΤΙΔΩΡΟΝ. La monnaie grecque entre guerre et commerce. Mélanges de numismatique, d’épigraphie et d’histoire offerts à Olivier Picard - Greek Coinage between War and Trade. Papers on Numismatics, Epigraphy and History Offered to Olivier Picard, includes twenty-one... € 70,00 -
Roman Names in the Cyclades. Part II.
The second volume of the study on the Roman names in the Cyclades completes the contribution to the social history of a marginal zone of the Roman world. It includes prosopographic catalogues of bearers of Roman names attested on Amorgos,... € 60,00 -
Corcyra. A City at the Edge of Two Greek Worlds.
This monograph provides a thorough account of the history of Corcyra from its foundation as a Corinthian colony to the end of Antiquity in two volumes: Α (chs I-XV) and Β (chs XVI-XVIII). The first volume analyzes its geographical location,... -
Tekmeria 15 (2019-2020).
Tekmeria 15: Contributions to the History of the Greek and Roman World. The journal Tekmeria publishes scholarly articles pertaining to the study of the ancient world, with particular emphasis on Ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography, and especially on... € 10,00 -
Sikyon I: The Urban Survey. Volume I: Text, Volume II: General Bibliography, Figures and Plates.
This two-volume publication (Volume I: Text, 609 p., Volume II: Bibliography, Figures and Plates) presents the results of the intensive surface survey conducted between 2004 and 2009 within the confines of the urban area of Hellenistic and Roman Sikyon, by... € 98,00 -
La mort de Philippe II. Une étude des sources.
€ 22,00 -
Les Alexandres après Alexandre. Histoire d’une monnaie commune.
This collective volume discusses the coinages with the types of Alexander the Great that were produced by kings, cities and leagues –in parallel with their own local coin issues– for over two centuries after the king’s death. The purpose of... € 60,00 -
Tekmeria 14 (2017-2018).
Tekmeria 14: Contributions to the History of the Greek and Roman World. The journal Tekmeria publishes scholarly articles pertaining to the study of the ancient world, with particular emphasis on Ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography, and especially on... € 10,00 -
What’s New in Roman Greece? Recent Work on the Greek Mainland and the Islands in the Roman Period. Proceedings of a Conference held in Athens, 8-10 October 2015.
The volume What’s New in Roman Greece? Recent Work on the Greek Mainland and the Islands in the Roman Period brings together the papers presented at an international conference held in Athens between 8–10 October 2015 and organized by the... -
Tekmeria 13 (2015-2016).
Tekmeria 13: Contributions to the History of the Greek and Roman World. The journal Tekmeria publishes scholarly articles pertaining to the study of the ancient world, with particular emphasis on Ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography, and especially on... € 10,00 -
‘Autonomous’ Coinages under the Late Antigonids.
The monograph The ‘Autonomous’ Coins under the Late Antigonids is a systematic study of the silver and bronze issues of the Macedonians, the Botteatai and the Amphaxians, of people that resided in distinct areas of the Macedonian Kingdom, the so-called... -
Βορειοελλαδικά. Tales from the lands of the ethne. Essays in honour of Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos / Histoires du monde des ethné. Études en l’honneur de Miltiade B. Hatzopoulos.
Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Athens (February 2015) / Actes du colloque international tenu à Athènes (février 2015). Βορειοελλαδικά brings together the papers presented at the International Conference held in 2015 in honour of Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos, former... € 80,00 -
Les communautés du nord égéen au temps de l’hégémonie romaine. Entre ruptures et continuités.
€ 60,00 -
Memories in Stone. Figured Grave Reliefs from Aegean Thrace.
Memories in Stone: Figured Grave Reliefs from Aegean Thrace brings together for the first time a group of 70 decorated funerary reliefs from the region between the Nestos and the Hebros rivers, dated between the sixth century B.C. and the... € 90,00 -
Social Dynamics under Roman Rule. Mobility and Status Change in the Provinces of Achaia and Macedonia
Proceedings of a Conference Held at the French School of Athens, 30-31 May 2014. Social mobility is a multi-faceted phenomenon which affected different social strata, from elites to lower classes, and involved several factors, both general (historical context, demographic trends)... € 30,00 -
Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. Vol. Ic: The Jewish Aramaic Inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora).
This is the third volume of the epigraphic corpora of ancient Zoora (present-day Ghor es-Safi), a commercial city of the Roman province of Palaestina Tertia at the southeastern end of the Dead Sea in Jordan. The preceding two volumes, published... € 45,00 -
Επιγραφές Κάτω Μακεδονίας. (Μεταξύ του Βερμίου Όρους και του Αξιού Ποταμού). Τεύχος Β’
Volume Α': Επιγραφές Αλώρου, Αιγεών, Μίεζας, Μαρινίας, Σκύδρας, Νεαπόλεως, Έδεσσας. Volume Β': Επιγραφές Κύρρου, Γυρβέας , Πέλλας, Αλλάντης, Ιχνών, Ευρωπού, Βόρειας Βοττίας, Αλμωπίας. This epigraphic corpus, a product of the long-standing research of the Northern Greece Programme of the Section of... € 120,00 -
Mycenaean Wall Painting in Context: New Discoveries Old Finds Reconsidered.
During the recent decades many new Mycenaean wall paintings have been brought to light and older finds have been restored and reconstructed afresh in light of newly found joining fragments. These paintings derive both from palatial and non-palatial contexts, from... -
Le pays entre le Strymon et le Nestos: géographie et histoire (VIIe-IVe siècle avant J.-C.).
This study focuses on history, geography and mining activities of the region inter Thraciam et Macedoniam (7th-4th c. BC). It reviews recent research on the Strymon and Nestos river valleys and includes a reappraisal of historical evidence, both literary and... € 100,00