For purchases of the MELETEMATA series outside Greece (from vol. 70 and on), please place your order through Brepols:
Showing 25–48 of 77 resultsSorted by latest
Roman Peloponnese III. Society, Economy and Culture under the Roman Empire: Continuity and Innovation.
This volume, which is the third one in a series of volumes published in 2001 and 2004 (MEΛETHMATA 31 and 36 respectively), brings together synthetic studies on various aspects of the political, economic and social life of the Peloponnesian cities... € 120,00 -
The Coins from Maroneia and the Classical City at Molyvoti: A Contribution to the History of Aegean Thrace.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. € 96,00 -
Weight and Value in Pre-Coinage Societies. Vol. II: Sidelights on Measurement from the Aegean and the Orient.
This is the second volume on the subject of Weight and Value in pre-coinage societies by the same author of ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 42. It consists of five parts and each part explores an independent subject, whereas all focus on those who owned... € 80,00 -
Boubon. The Inscriptions and Archaeological Remains: A Survey 2004-2006.
The site of Boubon is situated 20 km south of the modern town of Gölhisar / Cibyra, near the agricultural village of İbecik in the southern tip of the province of Burdur, southwest Turkey. A small community in antiquity, Boubon... € 86,00 -
Between City and King: Prosopographical Studies on the Intermediaries Between the Cities of the Greek Mainland and the Aegean and the Royal Courts in the Hellenistic Period (322-190 BC).
This is a study on the citizens of the poleis and the koina of continental Greece and the Aegean, who were implicated in whatever manner in political mediation between their state of origin and the Hellenistic monarchies, from 322 to... € 64,00 -
Thrakika Zetemata I
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. € 34,00 -
Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. Vol Ib: The Greek Inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora) (Supplement), Khirbet Qazone and Feinan..
€ 108,00 -
Roman Names in the Cyclades. Part I.
The volume is the first part of a study of the diffusion of Roman names in the Cyclades. It is a contribution to the research on Roman onomastics in the Greek-speaking provinces of the Roman Empire. It includes the catalogue... € 86,00 -
Achaïe III. Les cités achéennes: épigraphie et histoire.
This volume, which is the continuation of two previous volumes published in 1995 and 1998 respectively (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ20 and 25), completes the series dedicated to the written sources of Achaean cities. It contains all the Greek and Latin inscriptions of the... € 120,00 -
Contextualizing Late Greek Philosophy.
This small collection of essays by two authors shares the assumption that ancient philosophy was not primarily a doctrinal edifice, but a way of life. The three parts are conceived as starting points for further research. Part I: 'Elementary education... € 40,00 -
Sailing in the Aegean: Readings on the Economy and Trade Routes.
Despite the problems the sea posed for everyday life and communications several civilizations flourished in the Aegean from the earliest times until the Romans conquered the whole region and extended their power further east. At the same time, however, these... € 120,00 -
Φωνῆς χαρακτὴρ ἐθνικός. Actes du Ve Congrès International de Dialectologie Grecque, Athènes 28-30 septembre 2006.
This volume gathers communications delivered at the 5th International Congress of Greek Dialectology (held in Athens in 2006), one of the most esteemed international gathering of experts on Greek dialects. The sixteen studies of the volume are grouped in two... € 48,00 -
L’histoire monétaire d’Abdère en Thrace (VIe s. av. J.-C. – IIe s. ap. J.-C.).
€ 90,00 -
Les Dieux et les Dieux Augustes: le culte impérial en Grèce sous les Julio-claudiens et les Flaviens : études épigraphiques et archéologiques.
M. Kantiréa, “Les Dieux et les Dieux Augustes”, offers a synthetic study of emperor worship in the Roman province of Achaea. Making use on epigraphical, archaeological and literary evidence, the book covers the period from Augustus to the Flavians and... € 66,00 -
Prosopography and Onomasticon of Aegean Thrace.
The prosopographic and onomastic material of Aegean Thrace (714 names for 1258 persons) comes mainly from the Greek and Latin inscriptions of the region (published in IThrAeg) and the rich collection of coins of Abdera and of Maroneia, where the... € 44,00 -
La peinture funéraire de Macédoine: emplois et fonctions de la couleur IVe-IIe s. av. J.-C. Vol I: Texte. Vol. II: Planches & Tableaux.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. € 126,00 -
Ethnè Grecs à l’âge du bronze. Vol. Ι: Introduction, Abantes-Epéens. Vol. II: Etoliens-Thessaliens, Conclusions. (2 vols)
The monumental study of Michael Sakellariou (1912-2014) –the outcome of decades-long research– attempts to situate in space and time twenty-five Greek ethnic groups. The geographical cradle of these groups in the Late Bronze Age, their ethnic affinities and their dispersal... € 98,00 -
The Roman Presence in Macedonia: Evidence from Personal Names.
This study lists all persons bearing Roman names attested in connection with ancient Macedonia. It includes all epigraphic attestations of Macedonians who were granted the Roman citizenship, of Romans who settled in the colonies and other Macedonian cities, of Romans... € 88,00 -
Rois, cités, necropoles: institutions, rites et monuments en Macédoine : actes de colloques de Nanterre (Decémbre 2002) et d’Athènes (Janvier 2004).
€ 98,00 -
Persian Rule in Cyprus. Sources, Problems, Perspectives.
This introduction to the study of Achaemenid rule in Cyprus provides a concise overview of the relations between the Achaemenid empire and its vassal Cypriot city-kingdoms. Particular attention is devoted to the difficulties of interpretation of the scanty literary and... € 24,00 -
Index du Bulletin Épigraphique (1987-2001). Volume III: Les mots Français.
This three volume work contains full indexes for one of the key international instruments in Greek Epigraphy, the Bulletin Épigraphique published annually in the French language journal Revue des Études Grecques. The period covered is from 1987, the year the... € 62,00 -
Index du Bulletin Épigraphique (1987-2001). Volume II: Les mots Grecs.
This three volume work contains full indexes for one of the key international instruments in Greek Epigraphy, the Bulletin Épigraphique published annually in the French language journal Revue des Études Grecques. The period covered is from 1987, the year the... € 68,00 -
Index du Bulletin Épigraphique (1987-2001). Volume I: Les publications.
This three volume work contains full indexes for one of the key international instruments in Greek Epigraphy, the Bulletin Épigraphique published annually in the French language journal Revue des Études Grecques. The period covered is from 1987, the year the... € 44,00 -
Index du Bulletin Épigraphique (1987-2001). 3 Vols.
This three-volume work contains full indexes for one of the key international instruments in Greek Epigraphy, namely the Bulletin Épigraphique, published annually in the French-language journal Revue des Études Grecques. The period covered is from 1987, the year in which... € 174,00