Modern Greek Studies
Showing 25–48 of 104 resultsSorted by latest
Φόβοι και ελπίδες στα νεότερα χρόνια
The expression, the acceptance, the perception of hopes and fears, whether confirmed or dispelled, as depicted in historical sources of the modern years, along with the connection between common feelings and personal experiences are the main themes of this collective... € 15,00 -
Ο σύντομος πολιτικός βίος της ΕΠΕΚ. Η ανάδυση του Κέντρου στη μετεμφυλιακή Ελλάδα.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ελληνικά. Original price was: € 20,00.€ 16,00Current price is: € 16,00. -
Animam Deo reddit. The Parish Register of the Dead Santa Maria of Larnaca (1729-1824).
This is the fourth book in the collection “Sources of Cypriot learning and history”, which aspires to make available in modern scholarly editions unpublished or inaccessible primary sources on the intellectual life and history of Cyprus and the Cypriot diaspora... € 30,00 -
Επίσημα κείμενα του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Τα σωζόμενα από την περίοδο 1454-1498.
Second Edition Revised. The re-establishment of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1454 allowed the Orthodox Christians to have again a supreme ecclesiastical authority and, at the same time, an institutional organisation of their society. However, among the written sources of... € 35,00 -
Σταυροπήγια και εξαρχίες σε σχέση αλληλεξάρτησης. Η περίπτωση της μονής Θεοτόκου Γηρομερίου (16ος-19ος αι.).
The stauropegion and the patriarchal exarchy have a common point, their submission to the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople, their direct dependence on patriarchal power. In both cases, the fact that the monks and the Christian inhabitants are not... € 22,00 -
Philip Membre. A credible and detailed description of the events how the Turks began their assault with strong forces against the splendid Κingdom and island of Cyprus and captured violently its capital Nicosia.
The book is the second edition of the narrative of the seige and capture of Nicosia by the Ottoman forces on 9 September 1570 by Philip Membre. Membre’s testimony complements those of Alexander Podocataro and Agostino Famagostano on the fall... € 16,00 -
Συναντήσεις της ελληνικής με τη γαλλική ιστοριογραφία από τη Μεταπολίτευση έως σήμερα. Με την ευκαιρία της συμπλήρωσης 40 χρόνων από την ίδρυση της Εταιρείας Μελέτης Νέου Ελληνισμού.
During the first decades of the “Metapolitefsi” Greek historiography engaged in a dialogue with French historiography, which was received as the dominant paradigm. This dialogue is manifested in a number of ways in the choice of topics, translations, bibliographic citations,... € 17,00 -
Ναυτιλία και εμπόριο υπό Βρετανική Προστασία. Ιόνιο Κράτος (1815-1864).
This book addresses the various factors leading to the formation, operation and development of the merchant fleet of the British-protected Ionian State and focuses on the significance of Ionian shipping for the division of labor in the Mediterranean and European... € 20,00 -
Σπογγαλιευτική δραστηριότητα και κοινωνική συγκρότηση στο νησί της Καλύμνου (19ος-20ός αι.).
This book focuses on sponge diving in the island of Calymnos during the 19th and 20th century and explores the relation between this significant economic and professional activity and the social reality of the island. The book examines the use... € 18,00 -
Οι πράξεις του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Επιτομή-Παράδοση-Σχολιασμός. Ι. 1454-1498.
This book is the continuation of the monumental seven-volume work Les Regestes des actes du Patriarcat de Constantinople of the French Institute of Byzantine Studies (Institut Français d’ Études Byzantines) into the post-Byzantine period. It offers a panorama of the... € 35,00 -
Το Εργαστήριο του Λογίου, Αναγνώσεις, Λόγια παραγωγή και επικοινωνία στην εποχή του Διαφωτισμού μέσα από την ιστορία της βιβλιοθήκης του Δ. Ν. Δάρβαρη (1757-1823).
The private library catalogue of a minor Greek scholar (Demetrios Darvaris, 1757-1821) serves as the starting point for discussing some central issues in the history of ideas in Europe in the turn of the 19th century. The author considers themes... € 18,00 -
Εφημερίς των Παίδων (1868-1893): Περιοδικός Τύπος και προτεσταντικά πρότυπα για την παιδική ηλικία.
This book focuses on the Child’s Paper (Efimeris ton Paidon), a nineteenth century Greek children’s magazine with protestant allegiances, published monthly from 1868 until 1893. The author draws on a range of archival sources and employs an interdisciplinary approach drawing... € 16,00 -
The Library of Patmos. A Catalogue of documents (15th-19th centuries). Vol. 4: New Acquisitions. With addenda and revisions of volumes 1-3.
This volume expands and complements the three-volume work of E. N. Fragkiskos and Chrysostomos Florentis, The Library of Patmos, A Catalogue of Documents, 15th-19th centuries, Athens: Centre for Neohellenic Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens 1993, 1995 and 1996). The... € 13,00 -
“See how the Gods Favour Sacrilege”: English Views and Politics on Candia under Siege (1645-1669).
Τhe Cretan War (1645-1669) between the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire is more than a famous chapter of war history; it served as an inspiration for and challenge to Western Europe. Trapped between their own old wars and... € 8,00 -
Πολιτικά ζητήματα της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης στον ελληνόγλωσσο Τύπο της Ρουμανίας τον 19ο αιώνα.
This is a translation in Modern Greek of a pioneering study on Greek-language newspapers in Romania during the 19th century that was originally published in Romanian (Presa de limbă greacă din România în veacul al ΧΙΧ-lea, Bucarest 1995). The book... € 10,00 -
Οι ιστοριογραφικές οφειλές των Σπ. Ζαμπέλιου και Κ. Παπαρρηγόπουλου: Η συμβολή Ελλήνων και ξένων λογίων στη διαμόρφωση του τρίσημου σχήματος του ελληνικού ιστορισμού (1782-1846).
The author discusses and analyses the historiographical influences upon Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos (1815-1891) and Spyridon Zambelios (1815-1881) that contributed to their development of the concept of the Greek nation’s three thousand-year historical continuity. Both Paparrigopoulos and Zambelios were pre-occupied with the... -
«Η ματιά των άλλων». Προσλήψεις προσώπων που σφράγισαν τρεις αιώνες (18ος – 20ός).
The biographies of remarkable, ‘great men’ —in fewer cases women— have been a traditional, distinct and quite popular branch of historical narration which stresses the importance of one person in the course of events. Biographers have formulated a constellation parallel... -
Η διάπλαση των Ελλήνων. Αριστοτέλης Π. Κουρτίδης (1858-1928).
This book is a study of the life and work of Aristoteles P. Kourtides (1858-1928), the first editor of the journal Diaplasis ton Paidon, who was also a widely acclaimed and well-known intellectual, educator and author of children books and... € 20,00 -
Ο Μενούσης. Ιστορία και παράδοση. Ιχνηλατώντας στο χρόνο και στο χώρο.
“Ho Menousis” is arguably the sole traditional Greek folk song – with the possible exception of migration songs – with such wide dissemination in countless variations over the years, hence a challenge for research. In view of the fact that... -
Κυπριακές Πηγές για την άλωση της Αμμοχώστου.
This book publishes the Italian original and the Greek translation of two texts by Cypriot authors who narrate the fall of Famagusta to the Ottomans after a long siege in 1571. They are the reports of Alexander Podocataro, who fought... € 25,00 -
Στεφάνου Α. Κουμανούδη: Ἀνέκδοτα κείμενα 1837-1845. Ἡμερολόγιον. Πραγματεία κατά τοῦ Φαλλμεράϋερ ἀτελής.
Born in 1818 in Andrianople (Edirne), Thrace, Koumanoudis studied Classical Philology in Munich and Berlin and came to Athens in 1845. He became Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Athens, and remained a leading figure of the Archaeological... € 20,00 -
Όψεις της νεοελληνικής αφηγηματικής πεζογραφίας 1700-1830. Ο διάλογος με τις ελληνικές και ξένες παραδόσεις στη θεωρία και στην πράξη.
This study focuses on Greek prose fiction as a literary phenomenon from the first decades of 18th c. until 1830 by applying the theoretical tools of Polysystem Studies, Translation Studies, Reception Theory and Comparative Literature. The author argues that the... -
Το Νόμιμον της Μεγάλης Εκκλησίας 1564 – ci 1593. (2 vols)
Volume A': Το ιστορικό περίγραμμα. Τα πανομοιότυπα. Volume B': Η αρχική συγκρότηση. Η μεταγραφή. € 170,00 -
Έλληνες Ζωγράφοι μετά την Άλωση (1450-1850). Τόμος 3: Αβέρκιος-Ιωσήφ (Συμπληρώσεις – Διορθώσεις).
With two volumes appearing in print in 1987 and 1997, the publication of the third volume of the work Greek painters after the Fall of Constantinople by the Institute of Neohellenic Research is the last outcome of the research project...