Οι ιστοριογραφικές οφειλές των Σπ. Ζαμπέλιου και Κ. Παπαρρηγόπουλου: Η συμβολή Ελλήνων και ξένων λογίων στη διαμόρφωση του τρίσημου σχήματος του ελληνικού ιστορισμού (1782-1846).

Ioannis Koubourlis

In greek.

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SKU: N01.128.0 Categories: ,
Author: Ioannis Koubourlis
Year: 2012
Pages: 597
ISBN: 978-960-9538-10-7

Book Description

The author discusses and analyses the historiographical influences upon Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos (1815-1891) and Spyridon Zambelios (1815-1881) that contributed to their development of the concept of the Greek nation’s three thousand-year historical continuity. Both Paparrigopoulos and Zambelios were pre-occupied with the idea of an all-encompassing history of the Greek nation from ancient times to the present. The book also accounts for the influence of historiographers such as J. Emerson, J.W. Zinkeisen and G. Finlay upon their endeavour.

Weight 1244 g
Dimensions 17 × 24 cm