Αρχείο Αλή Πασά Συλλογής Ι. Χώτζη, Γενικών Αρχείων του Κράτους και Μουσείου Μπενάκη, Τόμος Ε΄ (1792-1820), Έκδοση-Σχολιασμός-Ευρετήρια

Vassilis Panagiotopoulos, with the collaboration of: Dimitris Dimitropoulos and Panagiotis Michailaris


In Greek.

SKU: Ν01.147.0 Categories: ,
Author: Vassilis Panagiotopoulos, with the collaboration of: Dimitris Dimitropoulos and Panagiotis Michailaris
Year: 2018
Pages: 625
ISBN: 978-960-9538-68-8
ISBNset: 978-960-7916-61-7

Book Description

The release of the 5th volume of the Ali Pasha Archive completes the publication of a part of the Ottoman vizier’s archive, known as “John Chotzis Collection”. The volume includes 224 documents, dated from 1792 to 1820 and kept at the Greek State Archives and the Benaki Museum. The documents complement those published in the three first volumes, which presented the core of the J. Chotzis Collection, kept at the Gennadius Library. The documents of the present volume refer to incidents and people of the Ali Pasha milieu, not encountered in the first three volumes. The publication of the 5th volume has followed the same principles as the previous ones. Each transcribed document is prefaced with a historical note on the document’s content. Additionally, the volume includes useful tools for the reader (indexes of people, places and terms, glossary, bibliography) and a selection of reproductions of the original manuscripts. The publication, editing, and commentary of the documents were carried out by Vassilis Panayiotopoulos in collaboration with Dimitris Dimitropoulos and Panagiotis Michailaris.

Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Α’.

Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Β’.

Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Γ’.

Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Δ’.

Weight 1466 g
Dimensions 17 × 24 cm

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