Μιχαήλ Τσερβάντες. Ο επιτήδειος ευγενής δον Κισότης της Μάντσας. Η πρώτη γνωστή ελληνική μετάφραση έργου του Cervantes (τρίτη δεκαετία του 18ου αιώνα;).

Preface: G. Kechagioglou, A. Tabaki. Text, Vocabulary & Table of Personal Names: G. Kechagioglou.


In greek.

SKU: N01.099.0 Categories: ,
Author: Preface: G. Kechagioglou, A. Tabaki. Text, Vocabulary & Table of Personal Names: G. Kechagioglou.
Year: 2007
Pages: 813
ISBN: 978-960-7916-71-6

Book Description

This is the first scholarly edition of the first known Greek translation (3rd decade of the 18th century) of one of the most emblematic works in the European narrative tradition: Don Quixote. The edition is based on three manuscripts salvaged from oblivion and commented upon at different times over a timespan of about 45 years: the Sgourdaios codex (private Athenian collection); the Vytina manuscript (Vytina Community Library) and the most extensive of all, the manuscript in the Library of the Romanian Academy. The edition of the text is preceded by an extensive introductory study (p. 15-150) that also tackles the issue of the identity of the anonymous translator. The work inaugurates the INR’s new series ‘Sources of Modern Greek Literature and History’ and is complemented by a comprehensive Glossary and Table of proper names.

Weight 1377 g
Dimensions 17 × 25 cm

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