Modern Greek Studies
Showing 49–72 of 104 resultsSorted by latest
Ευρετήριο Δημοτικού Αρχείου Δραπετσώνας 1951-1980.
The Institute for Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation undertook the classification of the Municipal Archive of Drapetsona, a working-class suburb of the port of Piraeus. The archive contained material from the foundation of the Municipality of Drapetsona... € 12,00 -
Το Νόμιμον της Μεγάλης Εκκλησίας 1564 – ci 1593. Η αρχική συγκρότηση. Η μεταγραφή.
In 1564 the Patriarchate of Constantinople put together a collection of legal material known as ‘The Legal Code of the Great Church’. This volume comprised material deriving from a) the Byzantine epoch (6th to 14th c.); b) the early post-Byzantine... € 98,00 -
Η Ελλάδα του Γεωργίου Α’. Πολιτική κριτική του Μιχαήλ Γ. Σακελλαρίου στην “Κραυγή του εκπνέοντος Ελληνισμού” (1910-1911).
This book reprints a series of fifty-three articles under the titles “A Fifty-year History” and “Why did Greece Fall”, which were published by M. G. Sakellariou in his newspaper Cry for the Expiring Hellenism (1910-1911). The choice of the newspaper’s... € 30,00 -
Ἐγχειρίδιον Ἠθικῆς Φιλοσοφίας, Μετάφραση Νεοφύτου Βάμβα.
Neophytos Vamvas (1776/7-1855) was a priest and scholar from the island of Chios. He collaborated with Korais for many years. One of the first professors of the University of Athens, he was distinguished for his teaching as well as an... € 25,00 -
Παΐσιος Χιλανδαρινός και Σωφρόνιος Βράτσης από την Ορθόδοξη ιδεολογία στη διάπλαση της βουλγαρικής ταυτότητας
Vassilis Maragos' Paisii Hilendarski and Sofronii Vrachanski highlights Bulgaria's transition from pre-modern times to the formative period of modern Bulgarian national identity. Paisii Hilendarski (1720-1773) and Sofronii Vrachanski (1739-1813) are landmark figures on the road from traditional Christian Orthodox ideology... € 28,00 -
Ferdinand Verbiest and Jesuit Science in 17th century China. An annotated edition and translation of the Constantinople manuscript (1676).
The book presents two manuscripts by Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (1623-1688) written in 1676 in Beijing, addressed to the Tsar, and brought to Moscow by the legate Nicolas Spathary Milescu. Both texts contain the oldest version of the Astronomia Europaea. They... € 30,00 -
Η Οθωμανική απογραφή των Κυθήρων 1715.
The study is a publication with commentary of two registers kept in the Tapu ve Kadastro, in Ankara. The Ottoman census of 1715, which was conducted immediately after the surrender of Kythera to its new masters, may be correlated with... € 25,00 -
Βίος ή Μαρτύριον του εν Αγίοις Πατρός Ημών Ιγνατίου Αρχιεπισκόπου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως γραμμένος Ελληνικά από Νικήταν Δαβίδ τον Παφλαγόνα και γυρισμένος εις την απλήν γλώσσαν υπό Νεοφύτου Ροδινού του Κυπρίου.
This publication inaugurates a new series in the Publications of the Institute for Neo-Hellenic Research, bearing the title ‘Sources of Cypriot Letters and History’. In their introduction, the editors outline the spiritual personality of Neophytos Rodinos (1576/7-1659), whom they portray... € 25,00 -
Το Νόμιμον της Μεγάλης Εκκλησίας 1564 – ci 1593. Το ιστορικό περίγραμμα. Τα πανομοιότυπα.
In 1564 the Patriarchate of Constantinople put together a collection of legal material known as ‘The Legal Code of the Great Church’. This volume comprised material deriving from a) the Byzantine epoch (6th to 14th c.); b) the early post-Byzantine... € 98,00 -
Ιστορία της Χαρτογραφίας του Ελληνικού χώρου, 1420-1800. Χάρτες της Συλλογής Μαργαρίτας Σαμούρκα.
This book covers the history of map production in regard to Greek space during the years of foreign rule (1420-1800). The maps of the area of Greece are presented as products as well as factors of a broader history, wherein... € 88,00 -
Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Ελληνικού Τύπου 1784-1974. (4 vols)
Τόμος Α': Α-Δ Τόμος Β': Ε-Κ Τόμος Γ': Λ-Π Τόμος Δ': Ρ-Ω The aim of the Encyclopaedia of the Greek Press, 1784-1974 is to give a sample as representative as possible of the Greek Press in the Greek state and... € 160,00 -
Αναλυτικοί πίνακες Ελλήνων Ζωγράφων και των έργων τους (1450-1850).
This volume is based on the specialized classification of published and unpublished material regarding Greek devotional painters and their work, both portable icons and frescoes, from the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. It draws on the two volumes by Manolis... € 15,00 -
Μιχαήλ Τσερβάντες. Ο επιτήδειος ευγενής δον Κισότης της Μάντσας. Η πρώτη γνωστή ελληνική μετάφραση έργου του Cervantes (τρίτη δεκαετία του 18ου αιώνα;).
This is the first scholarly edition of the first known Greek translation (3rd decade of the 18th century) of one of the most emblematic works in the European narrative tradition: Don Quixote. The edition is based on three manuscripts salvaged... € 40,00 -
Ἕλληνες λόγιοι τοῦ 18ου αἰώνα, ἀφανεῖς ἄσημοι καὶ διάσημοι σὲ διασταυρούμενες τροχιές. Βαρνάβας ὁ Κύπριος, Δημήτριος Ραμαδάνης, Καισάριος Δαπόντες, Νικόλαος Καρατζᾶς.
This book focuses on four authors active in both Constantinople and Bucharest from the late 17th century to roughly the end of the 18th century. It is probable that their paths intersected and ushered in an exchange of thoughts and... € 22,00 -
Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. (4 Τόμοι)
Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Α'. Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Β'. Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Γ'. Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Δ'. -
Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Δ’.
Ali Pasha Tepelenli, the legendary Pasha of Ioannina (c. 1750-1822) is a controversial yet indisputably major figure of Modern Greek history, who is of as much interest for the history of the fading Ottoman Empire as he is for the... -
Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Γ’.
Ali Pasha Tepelenli, the legendary Pasha of Ioannina (c. 1750-1822) is a controversial yet indisputably major figure of Modern Greek history, who is of as much interest for the history of the fading Ottoman Empire as he is for the... -
Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Β’.
Ali Pasha Tepelenli, the legendary Pasha of Ioannina (c. 1750-1822) is a controversial yet indisputably major figure of Modern Greek history, who is of as much interest for the history of the fading Ottoman Empire as he is for the... -
Αρχείο Αλή Πασά, Συλλογή Χότζη, Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Τόμος Α’.
Ali Pasha Tepelenli, the legendary Pasha of Ioannina (c. 1750-1822) is a controversial yet indisputably major figure of Modern Greek history, who is of as much interest for the history of the fading Ottoman Empire as he is for the... -
Η Ρωσία και τα πασαλίκια Αλβανίας και Ηπείρου. 1759-1831. Έγγραφα ρωσικών αρχείων.
This volume is the fruit of a collaboration between the Institute of Neo-Hellenic Research and the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It contains one hundred documents from the period 1759-1831 derived from Russian archives and... € 22,00 -
Voltaire, Montesquieu, Réal de Curban. Οὐολταῖρος, Μοντεσκιού, Ρεάλ. Νεότερες ἔρευνες γιὰ τὴν παρουσία τους στὸν ἑλληνικὸ ἰδεολογικὸ χῶρο τὸν 18ο αἰώνα.
This book contains five essays on the reception of Voltaire, Montesquieu and Réal de Curban in the context of Modern Greek ideology, and presents fresh insights and original interpretations regarding a) the literary and ideological origins of a Greek text... € 18,00 -
Βίωση και καταγραφή του Οικονομικού. Η μαρτυρία της απομνημόνευσης.
This book contains ten seminar sessions (ΙΝR, 1994/5) and one lecture (Society for the Study of Modern Hellenism, 1994) organized in three parts: 1) “Methodological memoranda”, 2) “Men of violence and the watermark of the economy”, 3) “Economic life in... -
Ρουμανικά έγγραφα του Αγίου Όρους. Αρχείο Ιεράς Μονής Ιβήρων. (2 vols)
Volume I comprises a prologue by the abbot of Iviron Monastery, Archimandrite Nathanael. It is followed by a preface by Paschalis Kitromilides and an extensive introduction, where the author presents all aspects of the relations between the Iviron Monastery and... € 40,00 -
Μετὰ τὴν Κατάκτηση. Στοχαστικὲς προσαρμογὲς τοῦ Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως σὲ ἀνέκδοτη ἐγκύκλιο τοῦ 1477.
In 1477, twenty-four years after the fall of the capital city of the Byzantine state, patriarch Maximos III of Constantinople addressed a circular to Christians “wherever they are under the rule of Our Lord and as far as Rome”. This... € 18,00